I offer in-person and online acting classes, workshops and coaching for professional actors and those who aspire to be. The principles that underpin my teaching are respect, kindness and exploration. I believe these are essential to enable actors achieve excellence. I encourage actors to work hard and play with purpose. My acting classes are built on more than thirty years industry experience as an actor, theatre maker & producer. 


This weekly online class is for actors who want to develop their screen audition technique. The aim is to help you create stand-out auditions and self-tapes that are active, believable and connected. 

We focus on auditioning with freedom and joy – how to make choices that ensure you act from the gut rather than the head. The class is built on two ideas; the art of screen acting is the moment-to-moment response to the other, and auditioning is about creating not competing. 

Key aspects of the work we will do together will include finding specificity in your choices built on the information in the script and breakdown; bringing spontaneity and immediacy to your performance; and acting from impulse rather than a pre-planned set of responses. 

Open to actors with industry experience or professional training.

Online. Max 8 participants.

Starts: Tuesday 2 July 2024 
Where: Zoom
Duration: 4 weekly classes, 6pm to 9pm
Application deadline: 28 June 2024
Fee: £225


This in-person Acting Class offers actors a fully immersive experience in preparing a role. The aim of this class is virtuosity in the work. It provides actors an ongoing opportunity to engage with, and develop their craft. 

The class has three guiding principles – exploration, preparation and play. My view is that these principles provides the surest path to freedom for an actor. By applying them to what I call the ‘pillars of performance’, a powerful transformation can occur.

Actors work in pairs on two scenes specially selected for you. We use a structured rehearsal process to tap into your imagination and creativity. The goal is to unlock your individuality and humanity, thereby empowering you to be fully in service of your characters.

Open to actors with industry experience or professional training.

In person. Max 8 participants.

Starts: Tuesday 3 September 2024
Where: Theatre Deli, London
Duration: 8 weekly classes, 2pm to 5pm
Application deadline: 19 August 2024
Fee: £365


I offer 1:1 coaching for auditions, self-tapes and preparing a role.

Every Audition is an opportunity to create connection; to build a relationship with a particular casting director, or creative. It’s not just about the role you’re auditioning for, it’s an investment in your future career. Your goal in the audition is not to prove you’re a great actor. Your goal is to embody the material, and bring a character to life in the most truthful way possible. That’s how you stand out.

Self-tapes can be stressful. Being relaxed and able to focus solely on your character’s experience is crucial. That’s why I spend time analysing the material in advance so I can offer direction that connects you to the life of the scene. My aim is to create a performance that cuts through to the unique audience that will be watching your tape.

You’ve got the Role – congratulations! Now for the fun part: working with the material to create a truly memorable, fully embodied character. So, how do you excavate the script to unlock the treasures it contains? How do you build a backstory that inspires bold choices? How do you ignite your imagination? I’ll help you do this using a detailed process that focuses on creating layers and truthfulness in your performance.

Private coaching starts at £60 per hour. Online or in-person.